Have you ever been to a diner with a 15 page menu, and thought to yourself, “who the heck is ordering tilapia at a diner?”. Sometimes too many options can be a bad thing. I once went to a restaurant that only served steak frites — there wasn’t even a menu because steak frites was literally the only option, and you know what? Best steak frites of my life! There’s something refreshing about a business choosing to perfect one thing. I’ve written about the anxiety I often feel while walking down the cosmetics aisle, a seemingly endless hall of creams, serums, and cleansers. I know that as a generation we are used to this, but I am always happy (and relieved) when a brand stands behind a few tried and true products as opposed to hiding behind a million different SKUS. If a brand has 40 different moisturizers, one of them is surely the “diner tilapia” of the bunch.
We not only want to streamline the shopping process, but we also want to make sure we are purchasing products that are going to give us results without taking up too much time in our routines. I admit that I am fully obsessed with Vogue’s YouTube channel, particularly the Get Ready With Me and Nighttime Routine videos. While I do somehow find time to watch an 11 minute video of a famous woman lathering herself in serums and moisturizers, I definitely don’t have time for a 25 step skincare routine- sorry, Liv Tyler! Finding products that have amazing ingredients packed in them can help eliminate quite a few steps, which is why I love Romer Skincare’s moisturizer. Before Romer, I was applying a serum with Hyaluronic Acid and then applying a moisturizer, but I can skip that extra step with Romer’s Moisturize because it delivers that hydrating Hyaluronic Acid as well as antioxidant-rich Seed Oils to provide a protective barrier, AND Rosemary Oil to control oil production! Romer’s 3 Step Regimen is so easy and quick to use, that it’s actually given me more time to watch pointless videos of the Hadid sisters trying on lipstick and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Space is obviously a huge thing when it comes to simplifying our skincare regimens. Everyone needs to take a long hard look behind the mirror, into their medicine cabinets and Marie Kondo the hell out of it. I swear I still have a Bath & Body Works moisturizer that I moved here with when I was 18 somewhere in my cabinet. I am not proud. Another reason I love Romer so much is that the 3 products don’t take up much space, and the bottles are so chic, I actually leave them out on display on my sink, which is awesome because it leaves room in my medicine cabinet for, you know, actual medicine.
If you haven’t heard, Romer Skincare recently launched the #RomerChallenge that celebrates simplifying your skincare routine and could win you a WHOLE YEAR’S worth of Romer products! Be sure to check it out.
Pretty amazing incentive for some spring cleaning, don’t you think?!