Ever been caught in the fog of the skincare aisles at CVS or Sephora?

Ever been caught in the fog of the skincare aisles at CVS or Sephora?

We’ve all been there, walking through a CVS or Sephora, frantically wandering the aisles wondering how the f#%k you are supposed to choose from the plethora of cleansers and lotions and serums and masks, so you buy a few products, spending way more money than you should have on items you’ll probably use once or twice or worse yet, you’ll leave the store even more confused than before.

As consumers it’s both a blessing and a curse to have so many options when it comes to skincare. Although we are empowered to build our own personalized skincare regimen, we’re not all scientists who know what these ingredients are and, more importantly, what effects they’re going to have on our skin, especially as they go into our bloodstream and build up over time! This is why the Clean Beauty movement is so exciting and honestly? A relief. When products are “clean”, it means they contain ingredients that “do not harm”… umm? Yeah, sign me up. If the whole purpose of a facial cleanser is to CLEAN my face, why would I want to use a product that isn’t clean in the first place!? Kind of seems like a no-brainer to use the healthiest products to clean the most important area of skin on our bodies. 

It also makes you question, if non-clean skincare products and companies use ingredients that could potentially do harm including ingredients linked to cancer, altering hormones, or allergic reactions, how and why are they still being made? I mean, the obvious answer is money, but it’s also due to a lack of regulation within the industry and a lack of knowledge among consumers. Companies are also piggy-backing on the popularity of clean beauty by “greenwashing,” which means they cut corners to market “natural” or “organic” products that still contain harmful ingredients which is not cool. And ethically wrong! For real, the terms “natural”, “organic”, and “toxic-free” have literally NO legal standards in this country, so companies throw them around like it’s nothing, tricking their unaware consumers. WTF?! 

Remember when all of those food documentaries came out, and shined a light on industry bad practices? Research clean beauty and you’ll start to be as selective with the products you put on your skin as you are with the foods you put in your body. It’s time to clear out your bathroom shelves to make room for clean products. Check the fine print on your labels and watch out for the following controversial ingredients: BHAs, PEG compounds, parabens, fragrance, DEA-related ingredients, just to name a few. Companies that make clean products avoid these harmful ingredients, know the source of their safe ingredients (which are grown sustainably or made well) and think about what will happen with the product’s packaging after we are done using it. So Basically? Clean and green companies are doing their best to not only provide us with superior products but to create them in a way that is safest for us and the environment, which is something I think we can all get behind! And guess what?! Romer Skincare is one of those companies doing amazing work that you can trust.

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